Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Permohonan Anwar ketepi larangan berhimpun didengar semula (Utusan Malaysia Online - 28.7.2009)

KUALA LUMPUR 27 Julai - Permohonan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengetepikan perintah larangan berhimpun di pekarangan bangunan Parlimen pada Julai tahun lalu akan didengar semula dan diputuskan oleh Mahkamah Majistret.

Perintah tersebut dikeluarkan oleh Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mahkamah Tinggi di sini, Zainal Azman Ab. Aziz selepas membenarkan rayuan Anwar terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Majistret yang menolak permohonannya itu.

Dalam keputusannya hari ini, Zainal Azman menyatakan majistret telah terkhilaf semasa memutuskan bahawa permohonan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu tidak perlu lagi didengar kerana telah menjadi akademik.

''Permohonan perayu (Anwar) telah dibuat sebelum tempoh luput perintah dalam masa tujuh hari, tetapi ia telah didengar selepas tempoh tujuh hari berakhir.

''Sama ada perintah itu masih hidup atau telah luput bukanlah suatu persoalan yang perlu didengar. Permohonan perayu telah dibuat secara teratur dan hendaklah diputuskan atas merit,'' kata Zainal Azman.

Anwar mengemukakan rayuan setelah tidak berpuas hati dengan keputusan Mahkamah Majistret pada 15 Disember tahun lepas yang membenarkan bantahan awal pendakwa raya dan menolak permohonannya untuk membatalkan atau mengetepikan perintah larangan itu.

Dalam rayuan tersebut, beliau menegaskan bahawa permohonan itu belum menjadi akademik dan masih boleh didengar dan diputuskan atas kepentingan awam.

Di samping itu, Anwar mencabar kuasa majistret untuk membatal atau mengubah sesuatu perintah yang dibuat di bawah Seksyen 98 Kanun Tatacara Jenayah.

Pada 18 Julai tahun lalu, Anwar mengemukakan permohonan untuk membatalkan perintah Mahkamah Majistret bertarikh 13 Julai 2008 yang melarang beliau dan penyokong pakatan pembangkang berhimpun di hadapan bangunan Parlimen.

Perintah larangan di bawah Seksyen 98 kanun itu dikeluarkan ekoran permohonan ex-parte (sebelah pihak) yang dikemukakan oleh Ketua Polis Daerah Sentul.

Perintah itu menyebut bahawa kecuali mendapat kebenaran polis, adalah menjadi kesalahan untuk sesiapa berada dalam lingkungan lima kilometer radius dari pekarangan bangunan Parlimen termasuk di kawasan Dataran Merdeka dan KLCC.

Perhimpunan pada 14 Julai tahun lalu itu dirancang untuk mengemukakan usul undi tidak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Bantahan awal pihak pendakwa pula dibuat dengan alasan tiada isu hidup yang perlu dibicarakan kerana perintah itu telah luput dengan sendirinya dalam masa tujuh hari dari tarikh ia dikeluarkan seperti diperuntukkan di bawah Seksyen 98(5) kanun tersebut.

Anwar diwakili peguam Lai Chee Hoe sementara pihak pendakwaan dikendalikan oleh Timbalan Pendakwa Raya, Noorin Badaruddin.

Upholding the cause of justice (The Star - 19.3.2009)


First formed to look into abolishing the ‘seven-year’ rule, the National Young Lawyers Committee of the Bar Council has since gone on to become the voice of the public.

A DOG ran into a butcher’s shop and grabbed a roast off the counter. Fortunately, the butcher recogni-sed the dog as belonging to his neighbour, who happened to be a lawyer.

Incensed at the theft, the butcher called up his neighbour and said: “Hey, if your dog stole a roast from my shop, would you be liable for the cost of the meat?”

The lawyer replied: “Of course, how much was the roast?”
“US$7.98 (RM29.35).”

A few days later the butcher received a cheque in the mail for US$7.98 (RM29.35). Attached to it was an invoice that read: Legal Consultation Service: US$150 (RM551.50).

The above is one of the many jokes (this one is considered as mild) on the Internet about lawyers.


Young guns: (From left) Richard Wee, Roger Tan, HR Dipendra, Seira Sacha Abu Bakar, Lee Shih, Janet Chai, Kenny Lai, Fam Yu Min and Lai Chee Hoe posing after the Malaysian Bar’s annual meeting last Saturday.
Lawyers are often portrayed as greedy people who are only out to enrich themselves from the miseries of others. This is really sad because the role of lawyers has often been misunderstood.
For us lawyers in peninsular Malaysia, the main object of the Malaysian Bar, as stated in section 42 of the Legal Profession Act, is to uphold the cause of justice without regard to its own interests or that of its members, uninfluenced by fear or favour.

This is one aspect of the legal profession which law students and young lawyers are constantly reminded of.

Today, of the 12,900 lawyers in Peninsular Malaysia, close to 40% or 5,500 are lawyers who have been in practice for not more than seven years.

Young lawyers should know that lawyering is not just about making money. It is also about undertaking the sacred duty of upholding justice without fear and favour.

This explains the importance of the role of the National Young Lawyers Committee of the Bar Council (NYLC), which plays a pivotal role not only in the affairs of the Bar, but also in our nation.

The NYLC was set up by the Malaysian Bar in the 1990s following a resolution at one of its annual general meetings.

At its inception, the primary focus was to abolish the “seven-year rule” in that lawyers who have less than seven years of practice at the Bar are prohibited from holding any position at the Bar Council and at their respective state bar committees.

The NYLC’s struggle saw success in 2006 when the Legal Profession Act was amended by abolishing this restriction, which then saw young lawyers of less than seven years of practice offering to serve the Malaysian Bar.

To date, the NYLC is pleased to announce that almost every State Bar Committee has at least one young lawyer representation.

This not only denotes that the young are interested and concerned, but their election also shows that their competence is recognised by the members of the Bar.

Over the years following its formation, the NYLC continued to look into issues surrounding the practice of the young lawyers at the Bar, one of which was the working conditions.

A nationwide survey was conducted which looked into the reasons for young lawyers leaving practice and, for some of them, the jurisdiction.

Forums were conducted at law conferences to look into the working conditions of young lawyers in other jurisdictions.

All these were done as it was recognised that this generation would be the future leaders of the Bar and society and it was therefore pertinent that the best were retained.

Over and above the interests of its young members, the NYLC has, on its own and, in joint efforts with other non-governmental organisations, provided a platform where views of the public on national issues were aired in its civil society initiative.

As part of its continuing civil society initiatives, this column, Putik Lada, was launched as an avenue to voice out the aspirations and views of the young. Putik Lada, since its inception, has discussed issues concerning the profession to issues surrounding the public.

None of the above could have been done without the efforts of the young lawyers who have served tirelessly on the NYLC, armed with much energy, and oratory and organising skills. Each member of the NYLC also possesses a unique and distinct character.

After the Malaysian Bar’s annual meeting last Saturday, a group of new NYLC members have taken over.

As a special tribute to the outgoing Chair of NYLC, Roger Tan, who has also retired from the Bar Council after four years of tireless service to the Bar, the NYLC members have this to say:
“Roger Tan is best known to the Malaysian Bar as the Webmaster, who single handedly set up the Malaysian Bar website (www.malaysianbar.org.my), which is now not only internationally known but which has also become a part of our lives today.

“There is so much to write about Roger that it is an almost impossible task, in view of the constraint of words, and considering his many achievements and contributions to the Malaysian Bar.

“In short, Roger is an inspiration and a role model to us young lawyers to be the best that we can be.”
The writer is a member of the Bar Council’s National Young Lawyers Committee (NYLC). Putik Lada, or pepper buds in Malay, captures the spirit and intention of this column: a platform for young lawyers to articulate their views and aspirations about the law, justice and a civil society. For more information about the young lawyers, please visit www.malaysianbar.org.my/nylc

“脚车闯半岛”16天 (Merkeka review - 18.12.2008)

作者/本刊曾薛霏 Dec 18, 2008 07:51:50 pm



社会主义党霹雳州和丰国会议员杰亚古玛(Jeyakumar Devaraj)在记者会上表示,警方限制人民行动的做法违反民主精神。今天,警方在国会部署至少80名警察阻拦脚车队,过去两周来也多番阻挠脚车队的行程,行动已过分了。



除了多番阻挠脚车队前进之外,其中一名参与者海伦玛丽(Helenmary Johnson)也向记者申诉,在霹雳州江沙警局外遭警方性骚扰。她透露,当时她正站在警局篱笆外接过朋友从警局内传出来的数码相机和摄录机,警方不但把数码相机和摄录机抢走,还从后面拉扯她,以致她两颗门牙飞脱,也遭警方袭胸。她较后已向警方投报。








人民公正党马樟区国会议员赛夫丁(Saifudin Nasution)代表国会在野党领袖安华依布拉欣发言时说,受压迫人民阵线提出的六项诉求中一项是提供舒适的住所给所有人民,他在下议院辩论时就提出,首相官邸租金是每年马币700万元,若这些钱能够善用,必定能使许多人民居者有其屋。




買濾水機投訴無門 (China Press - 23.1.2009)











Majistret dengar semula permohonan Anwar batal larangan berhimpun (Berita Harian Online - 28.7.2009)

KUALA LUMPUR: Mahkamah Tinggi di sini, hari ini memerintahkan permohonan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengetepikan perintah larangan berhimpun di depan bangunan Parlimen, tahun lalu, didengar semula dan diputuskan di Mahkamah Majistret.
Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman, Zainal Azman Ab Aziz, dalam keputusannya hari ini berkata, Majistret sudah khilaf ketika memutuskan sebelum ini bahawa permohonan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu tidak perlu lagi didengar kerana sudah menjadi akademik.
"Saya putuskan keputusan Majistret itu adalah khilaf, dan dengan itu permohonan perayu (Anwar) akan dihantar balik ke Mahkamah Majistret untuk didengar dan diputuskan," kata hakim Zainal Azman ketika membenarkan rayuan Anwar terhadap keputusan Majistret pada 15 Disember tahun lalu.

Pada 13 Julai tahun lalu, Mahkamah Majistret sudah mengeluarkan perintah mengikut Seksyen 98 Kanun Acara Jenayah secara ex-parte kepada Ketua Polis Daerah Sentul bagi melarang Anwar dan penyokong pakatan pembangkang daripada mengadakan perhimpunan di depan bangunan Parlimen untuk mengusulkan undi tidak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Datuk Seri (kini Tun) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Lima hari kemudian, Anwar mengemukakan notis permohonan untuk membatalkan atau mengetepikan perintah tersebut, yang sudah didengar di Mahkamah Majistret pada 15 Disember 2008.
Ketika permohonan itu didengar pada 21 November 2008, pihak pendakwaan sudah mengemukakan bantahan awal atas alasan tiada isu hidup yang perlu dibicarakan kerana perintah itu sudah luput dengan sendirinya dalam masa tujuh hari dari tarikh ia dikeluarkan pada 13 Julai, 2008, seperti diperuntukkan menurut seksyen 98(5) kanun yang sama.
Pada 15 Disember 2008, Mahkamah Majistret membenarkan bantahan awal pihak pendakwaan dan menolak permohonan Anwar untuk membatalkan atau mengetepikan perintah larangan itu. Anwar kemudian merayu terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Majistret ke Mahkamah Tinggi dengan menghujahkan bahawa permohonan itu belum menjadi akademik dan ia masih boleh didengar dan diputuskan atas kepentingan awam.
"Dalam kes ini, permohonan perayu sudah dibuat sebelum tempoh luput perintah dalam masa tujuh hari, tetapi ia telah didengar selepas tempoh tujuh hari berakhir. Sama ada perintah itu masih hidup atau sudah luput bukanlah suatu persoalan yang perlu didengar.
"Permohonan perayu yang sudah dibuat secara teratur hendaklah diputuskan atas merit," kata hakim Zainal Azman dalam keputusannya.

Anwar diwakili peguam Lai Chee Hoe manakala pendakwaan dikendalikan Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Noorin Badaruddin. - Bernama

Debate on Anwar’s restriction order (NST-28.7.2009)

KUALA LUMPUR: A restriction order preventing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat supporters from holding an assembly in front of Parliament House last year will debated at the magistrate’s court.
High Court judicial commissioner Zainal Azman Ab Aziz yesterday allowed an appeal by Anwar to set aside the restriction order.
He said the magistrate had erred when he decided that the court need not hear Anwar’s application as it had become academic.
The magistrate’s court had on July 13 last year granted an ex-parte order to the Sentul police chief which prohibiting Anwar and Pakatan’s supporters from holding the assembly to present a motion of no confidence against the then prime minister, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
The assembly was scheduled for July 14.
Anwar applied to set aside the order five days later on July 18 last year and it was heard on Dec 15 The prosecution raised a preliminary objection saying that Anwar’s application had become academic as the order had lapsed. It said the application ought to have been heard within seven days of the order being granted.
The magistrate’s court allowed the prosecution’s objection and dismissed Anwar’s application on Dec 15.
Anwar, 62, then appealed to the High Court on the ground that the application had not become academic and could still be heard in the public interest.
In his judgment yesterday, Zainal Azman said the application was made within the seven-day period but was heard after the expiry of that period.
“So whether or not the matter is still ‘alive’ is not the question. The application was made according to procedure and should be heard on its merit.” Anwar was represented by Lai Chee Hoe.

Magistrate to hear Anwar's application on assembly ban (The Sun - 28.7.2009)

KUALA LUMPUR (July 27, 2009): The High Court here today ordered that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's application to set aside a prohibition order on assembling in front of the Parliament building be remitted to the magistrate's court for hearing and decision.
Judicial Commissioner Zainal Azman Abdul Aziz held that the magistrate had erred in deciding that the former deputy prime minister's application need not be heard because it had become academic.
He made the order after allowing Anwar's appeal against the magistrate's decision which was made on Dec 15 last year.
On July 13 last year the magistrate's court issued an ex-parte order under Section 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) to the Sentul OCPD prohibiting Anwar and his supporters from assembling in front of the Parliament building to present a motion of no confidence against the then prime minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Five days later, Anwar filed an application to quash or set aside the order.
On Nov 21 last year the prosecution raised a preliminary objection on ground that there was no live issue to be tried as the order had lapsed seven days after its issuance on July 13 last year, as provided for under section 98(5) of the CPC.
On Dec 15 the magistrate's court allowed the preliminary objection and dismissed Anwar's application.
Anwar then applealed to the High Court on the ground that the application had not become academic and could still be heard and decided on in the public interest.
Zainal Azman, in his judgment said the application was made within the seven-day period but was heard after the expiry of that period, so whether or not the matter was still "live" was not the question.
The application was in order and should be heard on its merit, he added. Anwar was represented by counsel Lai Chee Hoe while deputy public prosecutor Noorin Badaruddin appeared for the prosecution. -- Bernama

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tian Chua’s trial postponed because of malfunction (The Star-23.2.2009)

KUALA LUMPUR: Malfunctioning air-conditioning and lights at the Magistrates Court here Monday caused the trial of PKR information chief Chua Tian Chang, who is charged with causing hurt to a policeman two years ago, to be postponed.

The problem started at 2.20pm and was not rectified when the case came up for hearing at 2.45pm after the lunch break.

With the court administration unable to say for sure when the problem could be rectified, Magistrate Faizi Che Abu decided to postpone the hearing.

“I understand some might not be comfortable in this situation,” he said before setting March 31 as the new date for the hearing.

Chua, better known as Tian Chua, 46, is alleged to have deliberately hurt the policeman at the entrance of Parliament here at 10.45pm on Dec 11, 2007.

The Member of Parliament for Batu is charged under Section 332 of the Penal Code which provides for jail up to three years or a fine or both, if convicted.

Before Faizi decided on the postponement, Deputy Public Prosecutor Ishak Mohd Yusoff had told the court that the prosecution would call eight witnesses.

Tian Chua was represented by lawyer H.C. Lai. -- Bernama

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



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